Senior Faculty, Nancy Pierson

nancy pierson, bowenwork faculty Nancy Pierson
Gentry, AR

Wholism – the ability to address the entire being, not just simply, say, a bad knee – is the hallmark of Bowenwork and what sets it
apart from other manual therapies. Major systems of the body can be addressed with Bowenwork – for example, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, lymphatic – leading to a substantial increase in quality of life. And your knee feels better? Great!

Bowenwork is deceptively simple to learn, yet satisfyingly long to master: The more you live the work, the more nuanced it becomes.

Nancy brings a multi-sensory approach to her teaching – especially the sixth sense of intuition; the seventh, common sense; and the eighth, a sense of humor. Honest and fair, she is as supportive of the layperson as she is exacting of the professional; she brings intellectual rigor to a relaxed and flexible classroom experience. An anatomical geek and a good-natured task-master, Nancy focuses on quality of touch to best exploit the fascial system of the body.

Nancy, along with colleague Karin Twohig, is co-creator of and co-trainer for American Bowen Academy’s Instructor Training Program; and she teaches throughout the US and at international conferences.
What have others said about Nancy?

“She is precise, professional, easy to work with, fun, very knowledgeable.”
“Nancy is succinct, her knowledge of anatomical structures was impressively thorough, and her patience is endless.”
“Her knowledge, clarity, and caring carried through in her work.”
“She’s obviously a teacher!”

Bowenwork Faculty-2002
Bowenwork Practitioner-2000
The University of Texas at Austin, BBA, Marketing, 1978
New Mexico Academy of Massage and Advanced Healing Arts (LMT), 1991
Certified Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist, 2010
Co-creator and co-trainer, American Bowen Academy Instructor Training Program
Director, American Bowen Academy
Director, Arkansas chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association
Past president, American Bowen Academy