Senior Faculty, Sandra Gustafson

Faculty_SGustafsonSandra Gustafson
Bodega Bay, CA

Sandra has had the pleasure and honor of being trained by Ossie Rentsch, who learned Bowenwork directly from Tom Bowen, and his wife, Elaine Renstch. It has led to a very rich and satisfying career in clinical practice and teaching Bowenwork around the world for many years.

One of the greatest rewards of teaching Bowenwork is seeing the transformation it often leads to for students, to experience their own healing after receiving the technique, even in a classroom situation. Another is the satisfaction of mentoring students in offering Bowenwork to their families, friends, and clients, often with profound healing outcomes. Some people have discovered a whole new career for themselves as successful Professional Bowenwork Practitioners, after initially signing up for “only a few Bowenwork classes just to get a feel for the work”!

Teaching allows Sandra to combine her extensive experience in nursing and holistic medicine when explaining the application of Bowenwork procedures and their effects on the body. Sharing her many years of clinical practice helps students develop skills to evaluate and assess clients’ health needs and ways to offer Bowenwork sessions. Sandra’s passion for developing deeper knowledge and understanding of what “makes Bowenwork work” is based on staying current with evidence-based practice and new research in fascia, neurology, lymph and the immune system, shines through in her classes.

Once the skill of learning to perform Bowenwork procedures safely and accurately has been achieved, Sandra helps students develop the art of being a Bowenwork practitioner by refining tissue tension sensitivity in their hands and approaching each client with a compassionate heart.

Sandra has developed several continuing education classes to help expand Bowenwork practitioners’ clinical knowledge:

  • Bowenwork for Women’s Wellness
  • Bowenwork For People Living with Cancer
  • Bowenwork and the Vagus Nerve
  • Bowenwork for Persistent Pain
  • Business Skills for a Successful Bowenwork Practice
  • Workplace Hygiene, Health and Safety

Learning is a collaborative experience, and in the process of teaching, Sandra enjoys gleaning new information from her students that enrich her understanding of Bowenwork. She brings a warm sense of humor to her classes to enhance the learning process, and as a result, her classes are fun!

Bowenwork Instructor 1994 – current
Bowenwork Practitioner-1992 – to current
2013 Master of Health Science-University of New England, Australia
2008 Bachelor of Nursing Science-James Cook University, Australia
2001 Women’s Health Studies Certificate–Sonoma State University, CA
1992 Diploma-Natural Therapies-Cairns College of Natural Therapies, Australia
1984 Diploma-Registered Nursing-Grey’s Hospital, South Africa