Associate Instructor, Maggie Simpson-Ralls

Maggie Simpson-RallsMaggie Simpson-Ralls
Glendale, AZ

Maggie enjoys helping people find understanding in learning the healing process. There is a gift for making complicated things easier to understand. She likes to give examples of how she has seen Bowenwork get results quickly! Maggie had not previously seen anything similar to this in the realm of Western medicine. She takes great pride in seeing someone find relief from new or chronic issues, or even just finding a better understanding of their own health and body. Maggie is humbled and amazed regularly when a healthy person shares these stories with me sitting where a previously unhealthy person once sat.

Maggie is very excited to help teach other people basic Bowenwork healing skills. She has seen results in ways that were not obtainable in her past experience in a hospital setting. She is looking forward to showing you how to help yourself and others to learn that ‘Bowenwork’ CAN help them, especially in a stress/ pain or emergent moment. Join her and learn the basics that turn on a body’s own natural healing mechanism. Through applied Bowen, most will feel relief from a wide range of pain, immobility, and acute issues they have. These basic move sets are not long-term fixes for old issues, but they are the beginning steps of renewed health! You can be that starting process.

Maggie loves sharing, Bowenwork: An Introduction to Wellness in Your Hands, with others as an Associate Instructor.

– RN, BSN for 32+ years
– Oncology Transplant Specialization x 12+ years
– Solid Organ Transplant Specialization- x 15+ years
– Bowenwork Practitioner Certification: 1/2022